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Course Outilne and Content
The course aims at a transfer of knowledge on the understanding of complex system behaviour taking place in accidental situations in nuclear systems and specifically how this knowledge is linked to the daily work performed by analysts or engineering support companies at the power plant. The focus will be placed in relating the assistant knowledge on pressurized water reactors (PWR) plant systems with the (1) Transient and Accident Analyses (Chapter 15) required at plant’s Final Safety Analysis Report and (2) beyond design basis event that might be part of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) event trees. Keeping this objective in mind, the course will cover some transients, design basis accidents (DBA) and beyond DBA accidents. The approach will be the following:
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>An introductory theory on systems related to the transient and the expected evolution of the main parameters. The acceptance criteria to be fulfilled by the design will be introduced as well.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>Searching and understanding experimental or plant results directly related to the selected transient/accident.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>A simulation of the particular transient will be performed allowing the participants to plot several variables in order to analyze the thermal hydraulic plant response.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>A discussion on the adequacy of the current design to meet with the acceptance criteria will be done.
The course will cover through this approach the following items:
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>PWR hydraulic systems related to transients.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>Expected phenomenology in the transient.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>PWR protection system and engineered safety features actuation signals.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>Expected operators actuation during the transient according to their procedures.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>Analysis of RELAP5 results.
<![if !supportLists]> · <![endif]>NUREG-0800 standard review plan for Safety Analysis Report.
Target of the course
The seminar is open to vendors, utilities, regulatory bodies, national laboratories, consulting companies and universities. A maximum of 30 participants will be accepted from which 15 may come from ANNETTE organizations free of charge. . Â
Requested Background
The participants are assumed to have basic knowledge on nuclear systems and PWR fundamental basics on reactor theory. Please note that this is not a course on RELAP5, neither an introductory course on PWR systems. RELAP5 will be used as a tool but the course is not intended to train on RELAP5 usage and no previous experience with system codes is required. The RELAP5 model will be configured in a way that the participants will be able to operate the system components by simple flags. . Â
Method of Delivery
The method will combine theoretical explanations of the systems involved in the transients and the expected phenomenology taking place in the transient, observation and understanding of the transient and exercises with RELAP5 simulations.
Dates and location