Advanced Nuclear Technologies - ANT

The ANT Research Group at UPC, Barcelona, leads in nuclear science and engineering. The group's expertise spans the thermal-hydraulics of nuclear power plants, fusion technology, and; experimental nuclear physics, applications, and instrumentation. ANT conducts high-impact research, trains future leaders, and promotes safety culture. Through collaboration and diverse expertise, we tackle complex challenges and contribute to advancements in the field.

Leading the way in nuclear science and engineering at UPC
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain


The ANT research group is a renowned team studying various aspects of nuclear science and technology. We conduct high-impact research, train future leaders in the field, and promote a strong safety culture.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Thermal hydraulics and safety (THS): We focus on high-quality studies of cooling systems and safety protocols for nuclear reactors, ensuring their efficiency and reliability.
  • Fusion technology (FUS): We explore and advance cutting-edge research and development of technology for controlled nuclear fusion as a clean and sustainable energy source, covering:
  • Experimental Nuclear Physics, Applications, and Instrumentation (ENPAI): We delve into the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei through high-impact research, encompassing:
    • Nuclear decays: Studying the behavior of unstable nuclei as they undergo various decay processes with high-precision measurements.
    • Neutron detection: Developing and utilizing specialized detectors to track and analyze neutrons in various environments using state-of-the-art technology.
    • Detector and instrumentation development: Creating and refining groundbreaking tools to measure and analyze nuclear phenomena accurately and efficiently.
    • Nuclear reactions cross-section measurements: Precisely determining the probability of specific reactions occurring when radiation interacts with atomic nuclei. This data is crucial for understanding nuclear reactor behavior, stellar nucleosynthesis, and other applications.


  • Conduct high-quality research that expands the frontiers of knowledge in nuclear engineering and physics, contributing to advancements in the field.
  • Train highly qualified master's and Ph.D. students through cutting-edge research experiences, preparing them for leadership roles in research, the nuclear industry, and public administration.
  • Foster a safety culture in nuclear professionals through rigor, honesty, and self-demand, ensuring the responsible and sustainable development of nuclear technology.

Collaborative approach:

  • We foster synergy by bringing together researchers with diverse backgrounds and interests to enable high-impact collaborations. This approach generates a comprehensive understanding and innovative solutions to complex challenges in nuclear science and technology.
  • We take an interdisciplinary approach to tackle complex problems, leveraging expertise from various fields of nuclear engineering, ensuring a holistic and comprehensive view of research questions.
  • We utilize diverse multi-physics simulation tools (MCNPX, GEANT4, FLUKA, CFD, RELAP5, TRACE codes, etc.) for comprehensive and high-fidelity analysis of nuclear systems and phenomena.

Overall, the ANT research group plays a vital role in advancing the field of nuclear science and engineering by fostering collaboration, safety culture, and innovative, high-quality research for the benefit of the entire nuclear research, industry, and society.

Contact: Prof. Guillem Cortes