
Full-time professors

Lluis Batet phot Batet Miracle, Lluis

Engineer (1992) and Doctor-Engineer (2004) from the Technical University of Catalonia. He has been in charge of several subjects related to nuclear engineering, energy technology, and energy resources within UPC. His main research activities have been related to different subfields of the Thermal-Hydraulics (TH) of NPPs, a field where he has participated in several cooperative projects in the OECD framework. Nowadays the focus of his research has broadened to include the TH of fusion nuclear reactors along with several aspects of Fusion Nuclear Technology: application of TH system codes to Nuclear Fusion Plants and tritium transport modeling are key issues in his research activity. He has been one of the principal investigators in the Spanish Fusion Program TecnoFus (Consolider Ingenio). He teaches Reactor Physics and Core Design in the Master of Nuclear Engineering.

He has participated in several Human Development Projects in Peru, India, and Nepal, related to the use of renewable energy at a small scale.

He is an Full Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.
He is the Director of the Master's Degree in Nuclear Engineering.
He coordinates the KIC InnoEnergy program at UPC.

Detailed and updated information on Lluis’s research activity can be found at:

Calviño Tavares, Francisco

Paco is a highly qualified nuclear physicist with a Master's (1983) and PhD (1990) in experimental high-energy physics from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. His career includes positions at CERN, SLAC, and the University of Colorado.

Paco's expertise spans nuclear physics detector design, nuclear power plant safety simulations, medical imaging advancements using Monte Carlo simulations, and particle accelerator engineering. He currently focuses on experimental nuclear physics research.

A passionate educator, Paco's teaching is based on active learning techniques, particularly cooperative learning methods.

He is a Full Professor and the Head of the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.
Paco created and leads the ENPAI team within the ANT group.

Detailed and updated information on Paco’s research activity can be found at:
FUTUR-UPC, SCOPUS, and Google-Scholar.

Cortes-Rossell, Guillem

Guillem Cortes graduated in Physics from the "Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona" in 1991 and obtained his Ph.D. in Physics in 2002 from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). His main research activities have been focused on the measurement of environmental radioactivity, modeling of ionization radiation detectors with Monte Carlo techniques (MCNPX, PENELOPE, FLUKA, GEANT4), development of a 4π high-efficiency neutron detector (BELEN detector) to measure beta-delayed neutron emission properties, and collaborates on the measurement of neutron capture cross sections at the n_TOF experiment (CERN). He teaches in the Nuclear Engineering Master and Energy Technology in the Industrial Engineering Master. 

He is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.
He is the coordinator of the ANT research group.
He is the coordinator of the Nuclear and Ionising Radiation Engineering doctoral program

Detailed and updated information on Guillem’s research activity can be found at: 

Alfredo de Blas photo de Blas del Hoyo, Alfredo

Industrial Engineer and Doctor-Engineer from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. He works as a Lecturer in the Nuclear Engineering Division of the Physics Department. He has been teaching at the Technical University of Catalonia since 2000.

His main field of research is Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection. He has carried out research in Fusion and Neutronics. He is responsible for the hardware design of new neutron dosimeters. He has collaborated with the Catalan section of the Spanish Nuclear Council as responsible for the instrumentation of a system to detect and identify gamma emitters in aerosols operating in the Catalan Environmental Radiation Monitoring Network.

He is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.
He leads the Nuclear Instrumentation activities within ANT-ENPAI.

Detailed and updated information on Alfredo’s research activity can be found at:
FUTUR-UPC   ORCID: 0000-0002-0868-9514.

Freixa Terradas, Jordi

Jordi Freixa Graduated in Physics from the University of Barcelona in 2001 just before joining the PhD Nuclear Engineering Program at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He finished his PhD on “SBLOCA transients with boron dilution” in 2007. Jordi worked as a post-doc for 4 years at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, Switzerland) participating in several projects including safety analyses of LOCA and SBLOCA scenarios for the EPR Olkiluoto III nuclear power plant. He continued at PSI as a senior scientist for 2 additional years and lectured at the Nuclear Engineering Master program of the Technical University of Zurich (ETH). Jordi joined ANT in January 2013 under a UPC/PQS contract. His main areas of research are the validation and application of best-estimate thermal-hydraulic codes for LWRs which he combines with teaching activities in the Master of Nuclear Engineering.

He is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.
He is the Program Director of the European Master in Nuclear Energy (EIT's EMINE-Innoenergy) at UPC.

Detailed and updated information on Jordi’s research activity can be found at


Futatani, Shimpei

Shimpei Futatani obtained two independent PhD degrees; in Energy Science at Kyoto University in Japan (2008), and in plasma physics at Aix-Marseille University in France (2009). In 2010, he was appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at the ITER Organization via Monaco Postdoctoral Fellowship. In 2013, he joined the LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon as a postdoc. In 2014, he was appointed as a senior researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He obtained the Ramon y Cajal (RyC) for 2015-2020. Currently, starting in 2018, he is appointed to the University Politècnica de Catalunya for research and teaching activities. He contributes to international projects of the computational analysis of MHD simulations of fusion plasmas in close collaborations with existing experimental fusion devices and implications for ITER.

He is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.

Detailed and updated information on Shimpei’s research activity can be found at: 

Shimpei is on leave. He presently holds a position at the Rokkasho Fusion Institute, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), Japan.

Pretel Sanchez, Carme

Ph.D. Engineer (1997) by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where she has teaching and research responsibilities in the areas of Nuclear Engineering, Energy Technology, and Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants. She has participated in a large number of national and international projects related to the simulation of the behavior of NPPs and Nuclear Data.

She is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.

Detailed and updated information on Carme’s research activity can be found at: 

Carme is on leave. She presently holds a position at the Departament de Recerca i Universitats at Generalitat de Catalunya.

Ronny Rives photo Rives Sanz, Ronny

Dr. Ronny Rives develops his teaching activities on topics related to energy technologies, participating in several master degrees taught at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB). Since joining the Nuclear Engineering Division of the Department of Physics, he has been actively involved in projects focused on the development of technologies for nuclear fusion such as EUROfusion and FusionCat. Currently, his research is directed toward modeling two-phase gas-liquid metal flows and tritium (and other hydrogen isotopes) permeation in breeding blankets of fusion reactors. His research interests include applied thermodynamics, CFD codes with MHD simulation capabilities, mass and heat transfer, and thermophysical properties of working fluids, for a variety of energy applications.

He is an Lecturer in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.

Detailed and updated information on Ronny’s research activity can be found at: 

Josep Sempau photo Sempau Roma, Josep

Dr. Sempau has been affiliated to the UPC since 1991. Prior to that he worked as a high school maths instructor in a public school and and as consulting assistant at Andersen Consulting. His main research interests are in the area of radiation transport physics, with emphasis on medical applications in imaging and radiotherapy, and, in the past, also in the area of environmental radioactivity. He is co-author of a number of computer simulation codes with widespread use among the medical and scientific community: PENELOPE (from 1996 to 2011), penEasy, DPM, MANTIS and PRIMO.

He is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear Engineering division of the Department of Physics.

Josep is in the IONHE - Ionising Radiation, Health and Environment research group. He is also a frequent collaborator in ANT activities.

A list of his publications in peer-reviewed journals can be found here:
For an open access list, albeit possibly not up to date, see:

Detailed and updated information on Josep’s research activity can be found at: 

Teaching assistants, Postdocs, Invited researchers, External Collaborators ...

Abdul Kader, Mohammed

He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh. He is currently working as a research support personnel (PSR) in the Advanced Nuclear Technology (ANT) research group. 

Adria Casanovas photo Casanovas Hoste, Adria

Adria Casanovas graduated with a Physics degree from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 2013, followed by a Master's in Nuclear Physics from Universitat de Barcelona in 2014 and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in 2020. His doctoral research focused on Neutron Capture Reactions of Thallium isotopes, vital for the s-process of stellar nucleosynthesis. He conducted data analysis for nuclear physics experiments, notably neutron capture measurements at CERN's n_TOF, and conducted simulations and studies on stellar nucleosynthesis to explore new neutron capture experiments. Adria actively disseminated his findings in international conferences, serving as a spokesperson for the 205Tl(n,γ) campaign (Jul-Aug 2018) and participating in educational events such as the NuGrid/JINA-CEE/ChETEC School (2018). Additionally, he engaged in workshops including the EC-JRC Neutron Resonance Analysis School (2017), Ecole Joliot-Curie (2016), and Joint ICTP-IAEA School (2015).

He holds a postdoctoral position in the ANT research group.

Detailed and updated information on Adria’s research activity can be found at: 

Mas de les Valls Ortiz, Elisabet

Elisabet Mas de les Valls graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2004. She joined the Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC), where she obtained a Master's degree in Thermal Engineering and Energy Technology. In 2006 she joined ANT and started the Ph.D. on "Development of a simulation tool for MHD flows under nuclear fusion conditions", which she finalized in 2011. Her research is mainly focused on the CFD study of buoyancy-driven magnetohydrodynamic flows as applied to fusion technology, but she is also involved in the tritium transport phenomenon and thermal radiation modeling.

Since 2008, she has become a teaching assistant in the Heat Engines Department at the UPC. At present, she collaborates in the ANT group and GreenTech group, both at UPC. 

Detailed and updated information on Elisabet’s research activity can be found at: 

Pablo Perez Maroto

Perez Maroto, Pablo

He obtained a Physics degree from the Universidad de Sevilla in 2019. He also holds an Inter-university Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics and a Master of Science in Physics from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, both completed in 2020. He completed his PhD at the Universidad de Sevilla in 2024, focusing on neutron capture measurements on 50,53Cr for nuclear technology. During his doctoral studies, his research included a neutron time-of-flight measurement at the n_TOF facility at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), a neutron activation measurement at the HiSPANoS facility at CNA (Seville, Spain), and the design of a passive neutron spectrometer based on gold activation.

He holds a postdoctoral position with ANT and is part of the n_TOF Local Team at CERN.

Pericas, Raimon

He graduated in Physics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2001. He earned a Master's degree in New Renewable Energies from ICT (Institut Català de Tecnologia). He obtained his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech, UPC in 2015. His doctoral thesis focused on thermal-hydraulics and neutron kinetics coupled codes, as well as uncertainty calculations. He also has experience in severe accident analysis. His primary research area is focused on Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) analysis with coupled calculations.

Raimon holds a part-time teacher position with UPC

Detailed and updated information on Raimon’s research activity can be found at: 

He is now a "Professor Doctor" at UVIC, Vic, Spain. His areas of teaching are New Renewable Energies, Energy production environmental impact analysis, Physics, and Mathematics.

Daniel Suarez photo Suárez Cambra, Daniel

 Daniel Suarez i Cambra graduated in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), MSc in Nuclear engineering from the ENEN Consortium (EMSNE), and obtained his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering in 2023 from UPC (T4F). His main professional activity is devoted to Ascó NPP (PWR) operators training at the full-scope control room simulator at Tecnatom, S.A.  He joined the department as an Associate Professor in 2016, lecturing at Master's level. His research works related to his PhD are oriented to the breeding blanket MHD phenomenology at fusion reactors.

He is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Tarifeño-Saldivia, Ariel

B.S. in Physics in 2004 (Universidad de Chile). PhD in Physics in 2011 (Universidad de Concepción), working at the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN) on tabletop magnetic fusion devices. Researcher at CCHEN from 2011 to 2014, working on experimental Plasma Physics, diagnostics for fusion experiments, and MC modeling of neutron detectors. In 2014, Ariel started a one-year postdoc at Instituto de Física Corpuscular in Valencia. Later in 2015, he joined the ANT group to work on nuclear data with relevance to Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Astrophysics. In particular, working on measurements of beta-delayed neutron emission properties and neutron capture cross-sections in different nuclei; and the development of neutron detection techniques and advanced nuclear instrumentation. Currently, he is involved in three international collaborations: MANY, HENSA, and n_TOF (CERN, Switzerland).

Detailed and updated information on Ariel’s research activity can be found at: 

He is now a "Científico Titular" at IFIC-CSIC-UV, Valencia, Spain

Technical Staff

Roger Garcia photo Garcia Sánchez, Roger

Telecommunications and Electronics Systems Technical Engineer at the UPC-EPSEVG (2010). He is a workshop and laboratory technician at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB, UPC). He has more than 10 years of experience providing support to R+D+i and teaching at the Nuclear Engineering Division at UPC. He has strong experience in developing electronic devices and nuclear instrumentation. He participates in the LINrem project as a developing engineer.

Detailed and updated information on Roger’s research activity can be found at: 

Albert Riego photo Riego, Albert

Detailed and updated information on Albert’s research activity can be found at: 

PhD students

Aparna Allannavar photo

Allannavar, Aparna

Aparna holds a double Master’s in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Energy through EIT InnoEnergy’s European Master’s in Nuclear Energy (EMINE) program. She studied at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona) and Université Paris-Saclay, where she specialized in Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering.

In 2025, she has begun her PhD, focusing on the experimental measurement of neutron-induced nuclear reaction cross-sections of isotopes at n_TOF (CERN, Geneva), with a particular emphasis on radiative capture reaction in the resolved resonance region. Her work will also involve Monte Carlo simulations aimed at optimizing the experimental areas of the n_TOF facility.

Benedetta Brusasco photo

Brusasco, Benedetta

Benedetta Brusasco started his Ph.D. in 2023 in the field of neutron detection techniques for dosimetry and medical applications. The main goals will be related to multidisciplinary experiments and applications with neutron detectors, focused on medical applications: neutron dosimetry applied to hadron therapy.

Detailed and updated information on Benedetta’s research activity can be found at: 

Civit, Albert

He graduated in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB) in 2021, and obtained a Master's degree in Physics Engineering from UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech), in 2022. He was awarded a competitve grant from the Government of Catalonia to start the doctoral studies. The PhD topic is aimed at the study of MHD instabilities in fusion plasmas, using 3D non-linear codes to simulate the plasma evolution. The studies will be performed for several reactor geometries, but specifically for the largest tokamak, JT-60SA, and largest stellarator, W7-X, in the world. 

Mont Geli, Nil

Bachelor's Degree in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona, finished in July 2019. Master in Nuclear Physics finished in 2020. Started his PhD in October 2020. Ph.D. thesis title: Neutron detection for underground laboratories, secondary particles from cosmic rays and (alpha,n) reactions.

Detailed and updated information on Nil's research activity can be found at: 

Adrian Gonzalez photo

Gonzalez Briones, Adrian

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics and Astrophysics (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia) since 2022 and a Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech, UPC) since 2025. In 2023, he joined the Thermal-Hydraulics department of the Advanced Nuclear Technologies group at UPC. Since then, he has contributed to the development and implementation of an oxidation model for Cr-coated Accident Tolerant Fuel in the RELAP/SCDAPSIM severe accident code. In 2025, he began his PhD thesis on advanced methodologies for safety analysis of nuclear installations, specifically in the field of Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Analysis.

Lopez Adamuz, German

Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Technologies at University of Cadiz, finished in September 2022. Master in Nuclear Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech, UPC, and ENSTA Paris, finished in September 2024. Started his PhD in February 2025. Ph.D. thesis title: Safety and reliability of passive safety systems for light water reactors.

Oses Ezquerra, Pablo

He obtained a degree in Physics and a Masters in Education at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). He joined the UPC in 2022 for a Masters in Nuclear Engineering and in 2024 as a researcher, when he started his PhD in the area of Thermal-Hydraulics, focusing specifically in Inverse Uncertainty Quantification computational techniques and methodologies for BEPU analysis.

Detailed and updated information on Pablo's research activity can be found at: 

Pallàs i Solís, Max

Bachelor's Degree in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona, finished in September 2019. Master in Nuclear Physics finished in 2020. Started his PhD in October 2020. Ph.D. thesis title: Measurement of beta-delayed neutrons relevant for understanding the formation of the r-process rare earth-peak around mass A~160.

Detailed and updated information on Max’s research activity can be found at: 

Daniel Soler photo

Soler Miras, Daniel

He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona in June 2023. He completed the Joint Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics, led by the University of Seville, in 2024. He began his PhD studies, focused on measurements of (alpha,n) reactions, in November 2024.