Technology for Fusion (T4F)

Technology for Fusion is the name adopted to refer to those ANT activities related to Fusion Technology. The research activities include: 

  • Development of MHD models for CFD simulation of liquid metals in the scope of fusion reactors technology and, more precisely, in the breeding blankets,
  • Development of tritium (and other hydrogen isotopes) transport models for CFD modeling in a fusion reactor, with a special focus on the liquid metal breeding blankets,
  • Development and validation of He nucleation and bubble transport models suitable for CFD code implementation and ready for coupling with other models stated above,
  • Assessment of the applicability to Fusion of TH system codes (e.g. RELAP5) used in fission reactors dynamic simulation.
  • Analysis and development of heat and mass transfer correlations for fusion technology

The group is currently working on the Breeding Blanket Work Package of the EUROfusion project, funded by the European Consortium of the Development of Fusion Energy, in the frame of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement number 633053. The group is the leader of task 5.2.2., related to MHD assessment of DCLL, HCLL, and WCLL breeding blankets.

Contact person: Lluis Batet