Full-time professors | |
Reventos Puigjaner, Francesc JosepProfessor Reventós obtained his Doctor-Engineer degree (1982) at the “Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble” (France). He is attached Professor of the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) collaborating also in the Institute of Energy Technologies of the same university. From 1985 to 2001 he was Responsible of Plant Dynamic Analysis in the utility organization operating Ascó and Vandellòs Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). In 2002: Visiting Researcher for the summer semester at Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT). From 2005, he is an Honorary member of the Board of Professors of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Pisa. He has participated in a large number of cooperative projects in OECD framework and collaborated with other universities like MIT, Pisa, Purdue, Penn State, Texas A&M, Zagreb as well as the Spanish Safety Council and laboratories and engineering companies.
Prof. Reventós has more than 30 years of experience in the preparation and qualification of the thermalhydraulic models for NPPs as well as its use in fields like operation support, Probabilistic Safety Assessment, training, licensing and fuel management. |
Pretel Sanchez, M. del CarmenPhD Engineer (1997) by the “Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya”, where she works as a lecturer in the department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, with teaching and research responsibilities in the areas of “Nuclear Engineering”, “Energy Technology” and “Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants”. She has participated in an important number of national and international projects related with the simulation of the behavior of NPPs and with Nuclear Data. She is vice-director of the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB, UPC) and coordinator of the official master program in Energy Engineering (UPC). |
Batet Miracle, LluisEngineer (1992) and Doctor-Engineer (2004) from the Technical University of Catalonia. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (DFEN). He has been in charge of several subjects related to nuclear engineering, energy technology and energy resources within BarcelonaTECH. His main research activities have been related to different subfields of the Thermal-Hydraulics (TH) of NPPs, a field where he has participated in a number of cooperative projects in the OECD framework. Nowadays the focus of his research has broaden to include the TH of fusion nuclear reactors along with several aspects of Fusion Nuclear Technology: application of TH system codes to Nuclear Fusion Plants and tritium transport modelling are key issues in his research activity. He has been one of the principal investigators in the Spanish Fusion Program TecnoFus (Consolider Ingenio).
He has participated in several Human Development Projects in Peru, India and Nepal, related to the use of renewable energy at small scale. At present, he is the Head of the Nuclear Engineering Section of the DFEN and Director of the Master's Degree in Nucear Engineering, in which he lectures reactor Physics and Core Design. |
Assistant Professors and researchers | |
Freixa Terradas, JordiJordi Freixa Graduated in Physics by the University of Barcelona in 2001 just before joining the PhD Nuclear Engineering Program at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). He finished his PhD on “SBLOCA transients with boron dilution” in 2007. Jordi worked as a post-doc for 4 years at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, Switzerland) participating in several projects including safety analyses of LOCA and SBLOCA scenarios for the EPR Olkiluoto III nuclear power plant. He continued at PSI as a senior scientist for 2 additional years and lectured at the Nuclear Engineering Master program of the Technical University of Zurich (ETH). Jordi joined GET in January 2013 under a UPC/PQS contract. His main areas of research are the validation and application of best estimate thermal hydraulic codes for LWRs. |
Mas de les Valls Ortiz, ElisabetElisabet Mas de les Valls graduated in Chemical Engineering by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2004. She joined the Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC), where she obtained a Master degree on Thermal Engineering and Energy Technology. In 2006 she joined GET and started the PhD on "Development of a simulation tool for MHD flows under nuclear fusion conditions", which she finalized in 2011. Since 2008, she has become a teacher assistant in the Heat Engines Department at the UPC and in 2013 she has started a collaboration with the International Center of Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). Her research is mainly foccused on the numerical study of buoyancy-driven magnetohydrodynamic flows as applied to fusion technology. |
Pérez Ferragut, MarinaMarina Pérez Ferragut graduated in Physics by the University of Barcelona in 2002, joined the PhD Nuclear Engineering Program at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2003 and finished her PhD on “Integration of a quantitative-based selection procedure in an uncertainty analysis methodology for NPP safety analysis” in 2011. She has continued working in the GET group since then. In 2009 she started working part-time at Innovative Systems Software as an external consultant providing support in RELAP5 trainings and code development. Her main areas of research are uncertainty analysis and application of best estimate thermal hydraulic codes for LWRs. |
Martinez Quiroga, Victor ManuelVictor Martinez-Quiroga is the co-founder of Nortuen, a nuclear and energy engineering focused on providing advanced R+D+I services to the nuclear industry. With a bachelor degree in physics from the University of Barcelona, he obtained his Ph.D focused on scaling issue applied to system codes and quality assurance processes in 2015. He has taken part as TH analyst in the OECD/NEA ROSA, ROSA-2 and PKL-2 projects, and he has been working at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) qualifying and improving NPP models of the Ascó and Vandellós nuclear utilities. In 2013, he has also collaborated at UPC in the TECNO-FUS project, developing operational control systems for the supercritical CO2 power cycle of the DEMO fusion reactor. |
Pericas, RaimonRaimon Pericas Graduated in Physics by the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2001. Master degree in New Renewable Energies at ICT (Institut Català de Tecnologia). PhD in from the Nuclear Engineering Program at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2015. His thesis topics are Thermalhydraulics-Neutron kinetics coupled codes, and uncertainties calculations. He also holds experience on Severe Accident analysis. His main area of research is focused on BEPU analysis with coupled calculations. He is currently lecturing as associate professor at University of Vic. His areas off teaching are New Renewable Energies, Energy production environmental impact analysis, Physics and Mathematics. |